Thursday, August 4, 2011

Clever Everyday Tips

  1. Use bathtub crayons to jot notes down that come to you while in the shower so you don't forget them.
  2. Clip a clothespin with your child's name onto your child's towel after bathtime. Now there will be no confusion over who gets what towel.
  3. When travelling, purchase a postcard and use the back to jot down memories from the trip.
  4. Tuck extension cords and other electrical cords in toilet paper tubes to prevent them from tangling around each other.
  5. Use a dryer sheet to rub crayon off of your table
  6. If can't seem to use a complete bottle of juice before the expiration date try this: Pour leftover juice into ice trays. Once frozen pop out the frozen juice and store in a freezer-safe bag. When your child wants juice next just pop an ice cube into a cup of water and you have diluted juice.
  7. Using a piece of colored paper, trace the outline of your child's foot onto the paper. Cut it out and then store it in your purse. Now you can shop for shoes without your kids (and probably make each of you a lot happier).
  8. Store plastic straws inside a travel toothbrush holder. Keep this in your purse or child's diaper bag to use when you are eating out.
  9. Take your child on a free field trip ... to Home Depot! Let them flip on the switches, open doors, and play with all the other gadgets on display!
  10. Staple clothing receipts to the tags on newly purchased items of clothing. This way you don't have to worry about complications when returning the item.
    * Taken from

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